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20/02/2025 – 30 years young – The “JUNIOR” celebrates its Anniversary

To mark the occasion, BAUER KOMPRESSOREN is offering the legendary portable breathing air compressor as an attractive Anniversary Edition with a 30-year label, 3 filter cartridges and a one-year warranty extension. Altro

27/01/2025 – BAUER KOMPRESSOREN main sponsor of the “boot Dive Award 2025”

This year, the “dive award” took place for the third time at the world's largest water sports trade fair boot Düsseldorf. And BAUER KOMPRESSOREN was the main sponsor of this fantastic event for the first time. Altro

01/09/2024 – MARINER 320-D - The mobile classic now with twice the power

The new diesel version of the MARINER offers an enormous upgrade compared to its proven predecessor Altro

06/08/2024 – B-NEWS 2024/01

Read our new issue 2024/01 and find out all the latest news from the world of BAUER KOMPRESSOREN Altro

15/02/2024 – The new PE-NITROX MEMBRANE System

Compact, cost-effective nitrox production Altro

07/05/2024 – Focus on sustainability

BAUER at the boot trade fair 2024 Altro

20/12/2023 – B-NEWS 2023-02

Read our new issue 2023-2 and find out all the latest news from the world of BAUER KOMPRESSOREN Altro

31/08/2023 – BAUER KOMPRESSOREN CHINA is setting up a new manufacturing facility in China.

BAUER KOMPRESSOREN CHINA (BKC) recently established a custom manufacturing facility in Taicang, Jiangsu, near Shanghai. with an area of 7000 sqm. Altro

28/07/2023 – BAUER KOMPRESSOREN at the International Fire and Safety Exhibition in Tokyo

Japan's leading trade show for the firefighting and disaster protection sector is held only every five years.The only manufacturer of breathing air system solutions represented at the show, BAUER's Japanese subsidiary, BAUER KOMPRESSOREN KITAKAMI (BKK), presented an extensive range of new products. Altro